College led training update

By way of an update on College led training, I am pleased to report we are expecting to sign the formal contract extension for 2022 to deliver the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program.  WAGPET is delighted to be able to continue our GP training and education delivery and support to all our program participants in WA next year. 
Over the past few months, many have become aware of the risks versus benefits of transferring RTO business to the two Colleges. You will have seen the open letter from our joint supervisor, registrar and practice manager advisory councils in May, attached again here.  
We believe there could be a pivot in the plans to transition very shortly, as key building blocks of the original concept have not yet been achieved and time is short, as you know. 
Meanwhile, and if needs be, WAGPET will be able to leave the AGPT program in readiness for the new delivery custodian, by early 2023, with the AGPT program for 2023 all organised and ready to roll including selections, placements, contracts, etc. should the hard transition of February 2023 remain. If there is an opportunity to continue beyond February 2023, WAGPET will consider that option with your best interests in mind, not only our own.
All registrars, practices and supervisors will have a fully portable comprehensive record of their achievements with WAGPET and we are in the process of refining the template for this with input from our registrars, supervisors and practices. Whoever takes over can then adapt the program - with your consent - over the coming years. 
I will of course keep you fully informed, and any questions or concerns you might have please reach out - my details are below. We are in very close communication with ACRRM, RACGP and the Department as all consider their options in this rather volatile, ambiguous, complex and uncertain time, all on a background of the significant pressures general practice is facing right now with COVID and COVID related dilemmas. 


Adj Prof Janice Bell
Chief Executive Officer